Wednesday, December 8, 2010

21. Surfer Rosa

Surfer Rosa Surfer Rosa by Pixies
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

One thing unique about Surfer Rosa is that the singing is a bit off on several tracks. I mean, really they sing like they don't give a shit. You'd think that Kim Deal was having a bad day because she comes off tone deaf on "Cactus" and "Brick is Red". Oddly enough, it works. There's definitely a punk sensibility to tracks like "Something Against You" and "Broken Face." It's certainly a fun album with rhythms that you can jump around to.

I would say the highlight tracks are "Where Is My Mind?" and "Gigantic" being the most melodious. I don't know why, but this album reminds me of California with the Spanish lyrics and "fun in the sun" tunes, even though the band is actually from Boston.

There's a definite Generation X feel to this one.

The video below is not the official music video, but it was the best recording I could find off YouTube.

Track listing:

1. Bone Machine
2. Break My Body
3. Something Against You
4. Broken Face
5. Gigantic
6. River Euphrates
7. Where Is My Mind?
8. Cactus
9. Tony's Theme
10. Oh My Golly!
11. Vamos
12. I'm Amazed
13. Brick Is Red


Who are the Pixies?

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