Wednesday, December 1, 2010

16. Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point Vanishing Point by Primal Scream
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This album is tolerable. I mean, there are some really great psych-out songs like "Burning Wheel" and "If They Move, Kill 'Em", but then a track like "Star" comes along and kind of ruins the psychedelic mood.

I feel like this is a good one to listen to in the dark. I guess this album was inspired by the 1971 film Vanishing Point, which I haven't seen. I don't imagine you'd have to in order to understand or enjoy the album.

Gillespie sings like he's on drugs. There are a lot of electronic, trippy, spaceship-like things going on in songs like "Out of the Void" and "Kowalski", and I dig that. It's a little overkill in some places though, but I would say the music is pretty decent.

Track listing:

1. Burning Wheel
2. Get Duffy
3. Kowalski
4. Star
5. If They Move, Kill 'Em
6. Out of the Void
7. Stuka
8. Medication
9. Motörhead
10. Trainspotting
11. Long Life


Who are Primal Scream?

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